How to Optimize Your Recovery: Fuel

We move our bodies to heal, improve mood, get stronger, and improve our health. That process of exercise and movement causes damage to our tissues and when we recover from that damage, we’re stronger and more resilient. Failure to plan for recovery can result in wearing down the body, not building it up.

That’s why we’ve created this series on exercise recovery to help you get the most out of your time for yoga, Pilates, weight training, and fitness. By nailing down “the big three” and icing it with our add-ons in week four, you’ll be able to see progress more quickly and feel better almost immediately. Watch the video to learn the why and the how of fueling your body like the athlete in you needs.

We move our bodies to heal, improve mood, get stronger, and improve our health. That process of exercise and movement causes damage to our tissues and when we recover from that damage, we’re stronger and more resilient. Failure to plan for recovery can result in wearing down the body, not building it up.

That’s why we’ve created this series on exercise recovery to help you get the most out of your time for yoga, Pilates, weight training, and fitness. By nailing down “the big three” and icing it with our add-ons in week four, you’ll be able to see progress more quickly and feel better almost immediately. Watch the video to learn the why and the how of fueling your body like the athlete in you needs.

Hands-down, the lowest hanging fruit in recovering from whatever you do for movement is fuel. Everyone knows what “hangry” feels like and it’s not good, but it’s not just about feeling bad. It’s wildly damaging to your body on the inside. We’re talking hormone disruption, stress intolerance, gut dysbiosis, mood impacts, and more. In our diet-centered culture, there’s so much focus on minimizing food intake for weight loss that most of us don’t even know what it means to eat to match and recover from our output.

If you don’t sufficiently fuel your body, you literally can’t heal and recover from what you do every day. Wondering if you’re underfeeding? Check out our Fueling Your Body for High Intensity Interval Training interview with Functional Nutritionist Erin Holt.

We want you to consider changing your mindset from “Earn your food” to “Earn your exercise.” Did you eat enough today to fuel the activities you love? Diet culture wants you to believe that the less you eat and the thinner you are the more deserving you are of love, success, and the good life. It wants you to believe that to the tune of $70 billion per year. It’s a huge marketing scam. Underfueling has massive negative effects on almost all aspects of your health and letting go of your diet-culture training is massively freeing and good for your health!

Our first challenge for you is to build a plate that lasts you from breakfast to lunch. Can you do it? Give it a shot and let us know how it goes.