A year ago, we were all so anxious to get back to our “normal” lives, but 15 months of the ‘rona life have left many of us feeling nervous to venture out to our old haunts and habits. If you’re feeling stuck and languishing in the inertia of your 2020 survival tactics, you’re not alone!
Some folks aren’t sure how to socialize again. Others feel like they won’t be able to keep up in classes they haven’t taken in a year. Many are suffering new pains and ailments from so much time on Zoom.
The great news is that your amazing teachers are here to help you ease back into yourself. We’re on a mission to support our community to take charge of their health, to heal their wounds, and amplify their lives so they can maximize their impact on the world and we’re really good at it. We will walk you through it step-by-step so you can snatch back those feelings of hope, health, strength, and resilience.
This incredible community is here to welcome you with a warm smile. We’ve all been through a lot and the time is now to begin to heal and thrive.